Monday, September 30, 2019

Dashboard Mockup for Bigbazaar

Weakness Poor customer service Availability of goods in store is less when compared to online Delivery of goods ordered online takes at least 2-3 weeks Weak marketing and advertising Opportunities Providing wide range of products in store Improve the online delivery' system Expansion of stores in all over the country and neighboring countries Threats Online shopping websites Demand of goods Inflation Low space to provide for all goods in store Gap Analysis To improve market share in coming yearsTo improve marketing and advertising in next two years To improve customer service both online and in store increase customer base and by providing membership cards Objectives and Goals Maintaining low costs of products and providing quality goods at all times Meeting the demand of customers by analyzing the requirements of customer Proportioning delivery services and enhancing customer services Starting memberships to increase customers and providing them with discounts on purchases Avoiding stealing or shoplifting in stores Key Performance Indicators (Kepi's): Kepi's are also known as key success actors Of a company.They usually help an organization in labeling its goals and measuring organizational development linked to the objectives. Following are some of the Kepi's designed for Bizarre that are aligned with its goals and objectives. Net revenue Number of new stores Deliver Eng services Customer satisfaction reports Memberships registered monthly Number of thefts occurring monthly Net revenue: This KIP is directly aligned with first goal, second goal and fourth goal.The overall revenue of the organization is directly affected by the sales of the products. If Bizarre maintains the price and quality of goods properly then there will be an exponential growth in sales, which Will increase the net revenue as well. With the increase in number of stores to meet demand of the customer, increase in number of stores also plays a key role in net revenue. To attract customers g ift coupons and discounts can be offer to regular customers with membership which will increase sales.As profits play a vital role in companies' future, we need to go through revenue every quarter. As bizarre is a nation wide company with over 700 million dollar venue in last year it is essential to keep in mind that threshold value or minimum value for each quarter must not be less than 180 million dollars which is represented by yellow color. Any revenue above can be considered as good profit margin and is denoted by green and revenue below 180 should be considered as danger zone and is denoted by red color.If a quarters revenue is in red then it should be considered as an alert and authorities must revise their goals and objectives. Number of new stores: This KIP is primarily linked to second goal of meeting customers demand and plays a role in increasing net revenue. As there is a vast need of products that is required by customers and not everyone likes to purchase online. Incr easing number Of stores yearly to meet the demand will also increase sales of Bizarre. To achieve this Bizarre needs to open stores in north, south, west, and east regions in India.Opening of stores can be schedules in quarterly basis. To achieve the goal and produce good outputs company has to open more than 25 stores in each quarter if this criterion is met than the graph is represented in green color. The management can handle more than 20 stores per quarter, which is labeled in allow color. However, if the stores opened per quarter is less than 20, then the production of the company will be effected hence it must be considered as an alert and new stores should be planned for the next quarter.Delivering services: This KIP is aligned with part of third goal that is proportioning delivery system. Most of the customers prefer shopping in store mainly because with in Store shopping products are obtained instantly. However, by providing proper information and good delivery system onli ne shopping can decrease strain of driving. As Bizarre has to compete with its competitors, t must provide a good delivery system through which it can gain profits. To monitor delivery service we must concentrate on delivery percentage obtained every year.For Bizarre to maintain a good delivery system it is important that delivery percentage is 60 or above which is moderate and any percentage above 70 should be considered a good percentage of deliveries. If the percentage is less than 60, then the issue must be taken to officials notice. Customer satisfaction report: This KIP is affiliated to a part of third goal, which is to enhance customer service. For any retail store, it is very important to maintain a good customer service relationship.To see through that there is a good reputation on customer services offered by the store we can conduct survey and call members to get feedback from them and ask them to rate the services on a scale of five. Getting grade of 4 or 5 can be consid ered as good, which is colored in green and a grade of three can be reflected as moderate that is colored in yellow, which means it can be improved with little effort. But a grade of 1 or 2 should be considered as threshold and colored as red and a serious effort has to be put into rectifying the customer services. The aim is to get at least 60% of the customers to grade amongst 4 or 5.Memberships registered monthly: This KIP addresses fourth goal, which states to increase memberships by offering coupons and discounts. While increasing membership organization can gather information regarding purchase patterns of customers and improve stores structure. Members can get coupons and discounts on purchases, which makes them regular customer this will also help improve sales and revenue. As Bizarre is a nationwide company with many branches, there should be at least 7000 new customers every month registering for membership, which is moderate and is represented with yellow color.If the num ber of memberships registered is 8500 or above it should be considered as good and is represented with green color. If the number of new memberships registered is less than 7000, it must be colored in red and this issue must be informed to marketing department. Number of thefts occurring monthly: This KIP is directly linked to fifth goal that is to avoid shoplifting and stealing in stores. Shoplifting is one of the reasons, which causes a massive loss to the store. Some security measures need to be taken in order to avoid thefts in stores.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

An Overview of Representative Problems

Krarup & Pruzan [27] have reviewed research on traditional facility location models that aim to minimize the sum of the fixed facility location and transportation costs by choosing the optimal facility locations among given probable sites to serve a set of customers. The objective function and constraints of these models are linear, but the resulting problems are NP-complete. Melo, Nickel and Saldahna [25] have reviewed facility location models in supply Chain and they focused more on integration of location decision along with other decision variables in the supply chain design. They noted that the role of facility location is decisive in supply chain network planning and this role is becoming more important with the increasing need for more comprehensive models that capture the real life constraint scenarios in detail. Leyla, Mark & Collette [29] in their recent publication claimed first work in the logistics literature that analyzes the potential savings that can be achieved by allowing a retailer to be sourced by more than one warehouse. They have proposed to leverage information technology to maximize the potential benefits. Huang et al. [30] paid attention to the opportunity of getting lower supplier prices by locating the warehouse correctly. In that theory, the optimal locations gravitate towards locations of the suppliers offering lower prices. However, if the price variability is high, the optimal location moves towards the demand's center of gravity. In those cases, it is beneficial for the organization to keep the location near that center of gravity and pay less attention to the supplier prices and supplier locations. The Research Problem: Many business managers are intending to answer following questions in the Post GST Scenario: â€Å"Will GST implementation enable supply chain network redesigning and Warehouse consolidation? Is it possible to create economic value and competitive advantage by altering the existing network to the more efficient one?† This project aims to study possible benefits of restructuring the warehouse network for a Food product company for their North India region in post GST set up.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting American Families Then and Now Essay

Comparing and Contrasting American Families Then and Now - Essay Example In the times of early civilization and progress you would find the male counterpart toiling the fields for crop preparation or working in the stables, etc. The female counterpart would be at home gardening to plant vegetables, placing the family meal of stew over the fire pit, doing the laundry, milking the cows, etc (Smith1994). The position of co-head of household was a very significant position in colonial America. It required the woman to insure everything was running smoothly, that the children were well tended to and doing their studies and the house was presentable but quaint (Smith1994). In contrast to the 20th century there is not much of a difference. Perhaps the main variations that would be found would be the fact that women have more rights now than they did then but the moral values are still held in the minds and hearts of many women in this time era(Lichter1994). Colonial times involved much more detail than does the 20th century. Everything was done from scratch where today, we as women can go out and buy prepackaged pancake mix, already cut beef, eggs in cartons, etc. For the colonists this was not available so therefore the contrast here is evident. The female role in those times was even more hectic and detailed than it is now but there was a magic in it that still has spilled over into m odern times. As was previously stated, there are so many women moving from executive status to stay at home moms now. They even have resorted to homeschool methods; as back in the colonial days many children were taught at home by the women (using: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Online 1997-2005). As was previously reverberated, while the women tended the children and home the men were left to have the burden of providing financial stability within the family. This took a lot of work within itself but the belief back in that time was that it was the mans responsibility to insure his family could survive financially while the woman secured comfort within the home for her family (using: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Online 1997-2005). If women in colonial times did acquire work outside the home then it normally was still female related. Some positions were those of a seamstress or a boarding house keeper. There were also women who took on the forms of doctors and teachers as well (using: Compton's Encyclopedia 1994-1995). When a convergence of these two variable time eras is viewed it is found that though time's have evolved for the betterment of women in the concept of work outside the home, the same family value's still exist. Even if women do work outside the home in the current time period, they are still considered to be the primary caregivers of the home and the children. Furthermore, women aren't finding the satisfaction as they thought they would by working in more stressful positions within corporations. Though work at home and caring for the family can be visualized as just as difficult, and perhaps even more tiring, this is the wish of many women in America today. Why else would they leave the executive world in behind to be a 24/7 mom and wife They do this because they feel something is lacking in the family atmosphere, the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Conflict Management_M7_A1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Conflict Management_M7_A1 - Essay Example It evaluates the role of team leadership and the overall effectiveness of teams in preventing and actively managing conflict. Additionally, it assesses the importance of maintaining relationships with stakeholders throughout significant organizational change. Finally, it recommends strategies that the organization can use to prevent and actively manage foreseen and unforeseen conflicts among internal and external stakeholders that may negatively affect the organizations attempt to downsize. The paper asserts that although downsizing could be inevitable and beneficial to the organization, failure to manage perceived and actual conflicts with stakeholders could affect the firm negatively. Interpersonal conflicts influenced by political factors may arise between the government, the labor unions and the organization. The government makes labor laws that define the procedure and rules on how firms should lay-off employees. For example, labor law prohibit discrimination in the downsizing process and state that employees should be given enough notice and benefits upon termination. If the firm doesn’t observe these rules, it faces conflicts with the government and labor unions that fight for the rights of unionized employees. The firm faces interpersonal conflicts of economic nature with clients, suppliers, creditors if upon downsizing, it is unable to honor its contractual obligations (Ramsbotham & Woodhouse, 2011). For example, the inability to honor debts when they fall due and offer products/services to its clients. Social conflict with the local community may arise from downsizing. Laid-off workers may strain the community’s resources if they are not com pensated. They may become stressed and develop psychological problems, making them dependent on the communities. The conflict arises because the society expects the company to take care of the laid-off workers by giving them sufficient send-off benefit

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The impact of globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The impact of globalization - Essay Example Globalisation has impacted every aspect of human life. Globalisation has been through different stages of evolution and at each stage changes have taken place rapidly. The term ‘globalisation’ not very common thirty years ago, is today a major point of discussion all over the word. According to Giddens (2006), globalisation could be defined as an external force, which is an outcome of the changes in the economical, political, social and cultural conditions. These have contributed to enhanced global relationship. Appaduria (2008) believes that advance technology, such as industrialism and transport, have contributed significantly to the globalisation process and the development of the hospitality sector as well. This essay will examine relationship between hospitality industry and globalisation process focusing on economic, social and cultural viewpoints. After discussion of the concept and definition of ‘globalisation’ and ‘hospitality’, the his torical perspective on social, cultural and economical aspects of the hospitality sector’s development is presented. Next, the inter-relationship between globalization and hospitality is discussed. Lastly, the positive and negative impact of globalisation on hospitality industry is discussed. Concept of globalisation Globalisation means differently to different people. It is the integration of nations through international trade of goods and services (Frankel, 2006). It is the concept of moving towards one world, one single society, one economy. The aim was to open the world market to everybody with the expectation that it would contribute to the social and economic disorder prevailing in the world. Globalisation is also the ‘intensification of worldwide social relations which links distant localities’ and it has also been as the ‘compression of the world’ and ‘a social process in which the people become increasingly aware that they are recedin g’ (Mak, Lumbers & Eves, 2011). All these definitions imply that globalisation leads to worldwide interdependence and integration, in addition to an increased global consciousness. The major drivers of globalization according to Singer (2004) include social-demographic (regional, cultural), technological advancement. These imply changes in telecommunication, internet, transportation, profit motives, market share, foreign direct investments, ecological and environmental factors such as pollution and green laws, political-legal factors like reducing trade barriers, and political stability. Technological changes have brought about upgradation but have also increased income inequality between highly skilled workers and unskilled workers. As Singer states, the welfare of one individual cannot take place without affecting another individual. Globalisation has widened the gap between the rich and the poor; it has increased competition, liberalisation, deregulation and privatisation but it has undermined the economic prospects for millions of people around the world (Frankel, 2006). Globalisation is also seen as the dominance of western and cultural interests over the rest of the world (Brinkman & Brinkman, 2002). It is also seen as the penetration of capitalism in every corner of the world thereby enabling the entire population to participate in the fruits of international division of labour and economy. Globalisation is a restricting process that affects every aspect of human life – capital flows, political collaboration and flow of ideas (Hjalager, 2007). It also includes environmental pollution, criminal behaviour, diseases and terror. Defining ‘hospitality’ The word hospitality is used by different groups in different ways. Similarly, various definitions of the word ‘hospitality’ are provided. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as, ‘the act or practice of being hospitable: the reception and entertainment of guests or st rangers with liberality and goodwill’ (Hepple, Kipps & Thomson, 1990, p306). Some also consider hospitality to be a provision of physical and psychological

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Innovation in Construction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Innovation in Construction - Research Paper Example In enhancing the value brought in by this process, a lot of modifications have been made on it time after time. These improvements have consequently come along with some advantages together with shortcomings. It is therefore logical that, as these changing procedures are implemented in the industry; proper steps are taken in dealing with areas where gaps exist. Recycling in construction In construction, recycling basically denotes the taking apart and reprocessing of recoverable waste resources produced at the time of construction and modification. Bits and pieces of unused materials, packaging, old resources and remains collectively comprise of the latent recoverable materials. All these can be used, together with other new materials in the erection of new structures. Aside from the use of the recycled matters in constructing new structures, this process can also be applied in the aspect of renovation where structures like windows and doors, masonry resources and appliances are also recycled (CMRA, 2011). In many cases, wastes accrued from construction sites are directed into landfills which consequently are burdened with increased loading and functions. At the same time, some waste construction materials carry chemicals which if not well handled would only help in enhancing the perennially increasing levels of pollution. An example of this is the kinds of chemical substances which emanate from treated wood. Preventing these scenarios has made recycling the most logical precautions in handling wastes obtained from construction sites. In achieving these goals, personnel in the construction industry either recycle the materials directly into similar products for use again while other are converted into other functional products. Recycling of wastes in the construction industry follows a rather general procedure. The process begins with onsite separation where recyclable materials are separated from other wastes. This is basically the most important aspect of the process and though initially posed challenges, has today witnessed massive improvements thanks to the technological advancement that the world of construction has at its disposal (CMRA, 2011). Here, construction officers, highly conversant with material sorting strategy set up containers for recycling, containers which they clearly label as per the requirements. Ones the reusable wastes are obtained, they are either reprocessed for reuse in the same form they were initially of modified to be used in newer forms. Technology is rapidly advancing in construction recycling. This is despite the limited available technologies at the local levels. One of the technologies synonymous with recycling in the construction industry in modern times includes the â€Å"Recore technology† known for the construction of walls by use of recovered waste materials. This technology is known for the generation of eco friendly wall coverings which carry which also extend some other advantages to the industry and the consumers. The wall coverings produced by this technology are generally durable an added advantage to the fundamental levels of energy saved in the production of these walls. Aside from the recycled walls technology, there also exists the advanced concrete technology which focuses on the production of recycled concrete. The advanced concrete technology applies the heating and rubbing procedures in producing the end

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Self Directide Learning Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Self Directide Learning - Term Paper Example In the period of 1960s, increased concentration was focused on the reason and ways behind the learning of adults. The notion of SDL was stated to arise during this specific period of time. It requires to be stated in this context that this particular notion was traced back to the period of 1961. It was during this year when the typology related to goal, compass readings related to the activity as well as learning within the adults were structured by Houle (1961). The purposes and activities related to learning with regard to numerous adult learners was delineated by Houle (1961) who had selected to chase their respective process of learning without the need and requirement of institutional encouragement with respect to affiliation. This particular aspect called for the attention of further assessment during that particular time period. During the period of 1980s, Knowles (1980) re-narrated the development of SDL with the suggestion of an idea called â€Å"andragogy† which was widely referred as the ability and science related to assisting adults for learning. This particular notion was considered in comparison to all the prevalent theories related to learning during that definite phase of time and which were supposed to be reliant on the facet of pedagogy. Pedagogy referred to the science as well as the art related to providing assistance to the child learners. This was again considered to be dependent on five basic suppositions regarding the adult learner. The initial supposition stated that the self-concept with regard to an adult was observed to shift from the perception related to dependent personality towards a self-directing individual with maturity. The other... This paper approves that an individual concerned with the process of SDL was found to indulge alone in that activity, but from the explanation of the concept in the literature, it has been found that individuals seldom indulge themselves in the process alone. The other paradox has been stated regarding the process of SDL referring it to be something that was usually carried out remotely from the formally structured activities which was found to be guided by other individuals. The process related to SDL was not regarded as a lone act which was capable of carrying out alone by any individual. The foremost scholars with regard to this particular subject comply with the fact of SDL being a relational activity or behavior but the relevant literature was considered to be heavily inclined towards the fact of SDL being an individualized behavior. This paper makes a conclusion that the above discussion helps in providing a lucid comprehension regarding the concept of SDL and adult learning. It has been mentioned with regard to this notion that majority of the activities related to learning is believed to be triggered and promoted with the help of a learner’s inventiveness irrespective of its availability with the aid of formal settings. Furthermore, the concept of SDL was found to be perceived as a particular structure of study where individuals are supposed to possess the principal responsibilities with regard to planning, practicing and also assessing the endeavors related to adoption of the skills associated with learning. Certain paradoxes as well as contradictions were however identified in this regard, but the degree of significance and viability of SDL still cannot be completely refused.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Operational Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Operational Scenario - Essay Example In a focus on justice criterion, rules are imposed and enforced fairly and impartially so that there is equal distribution of costs and benefits among individuals, also protects the interests of the less powerful and underrepresented individuals (Livingstone 2009). Thus, the best ethical decision criteria that can be used in addressing the problems within the prison would be a focus on justice criterion. This is because using justice criterion protects the interests of the less powerful and the underrepresented individual. Justice criterion is best in protecting the inmates from the prison staff. The first group view shows that the prison staff uses punitive approach toward the inmate population. This shows that the inmates are been abused by the staff, which could be the reason why there has been a lot gang-related violence in the prisons. It is also clear that racial identity is the biggest problem among the prison staff. Hence, use of the focusing on justice criterion would ensure there is equal distribution of duties and responsibilities among the staff without regards to race. However, focusing on justice criterion can affect productivity and innovation because it encourages a sense of entitlement that reduces the ability of an individual to take risks. 2. Within a prison, performance and social arrangement norms are likely to be norms that reinforce consistency among staff. How is this likely to affect overall job satisfaction? What effect will it have on employees who are not conforming in personality? In every organization e.g. a prison, it is crucial to have group norms in order to ensure productivity and development of the organization. As stated by Chevalier (2007), norms are acceptable or unacceptable standards of behavior that are shared by all members in a group. They are mainly created in order to facilitate group survival, avoid embarrassing situations, make behavior of individuals more predictable, and to express the values of the group. The pe rformance norms determine how group members should be engaged in their work i.e. how quickly they should work and produce (Livingstone 2009). Their main purpose is to govern levels of individual effort. The social arrangement norms are created in order to influence the informal social interactions within a group such as meeting after work social groups or lunch social groups. Thus, these norms are likely to promote overall job satisfaction and productivity within a prison. According to Daft and Marcic (2008), performance norms promote cohesiveness which is essential for productivity of the group. The cohesiveness and productivity of a group depends on the performance norms. For instance, if the performance norms are high, a group will be more cohesive and productive, but if the performance norms are low, productivity will also be low. As stated by Robbins and Judge (2010), individuals who conform to group norms experience more positive emotions due to conformity; hence result to pos itive work attitude and job satisfaction. Moreover, the social arrangement norms enhance day to day interaction of the prison staff, the supervisors and the inmates; thus, promoting job satisfaction. What effect will it have on employees who are not conforming in personality? The personality of an employee determines how they behave, think and feel about their job satisfaction or jobs. The attitudes of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

What Is Community in Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

What Is Community in Of Mice and Men Essay Explain what community is-group of likeminded/brought together people. Group or society, helping each other. Introduction- talk about various methods/techniques Steinbeck uses to portray community in 1930s America. -structure; animal imagery; symbolism -Steinbeck’s use of language reinforces his depiction of community The novel starts with an idyllic, natural scene. This creates a sense of peacefulness and calm. However, this scene is disrupted by George and Lennie’s arrival. Key parts through the story: When G +L come down the path to the clearing, G is leading the way and L is following him. (This shows that in 1930s American community, there were those at the top of the hierarchy that ultimately controlled those at the lower end of the hierarchy. G+L are on their way to the nearby ranch, but the bus driver dropped them of 4 miles away. This is significant as it is the first sign that they never end up where they want to be. (Also shows community was selfish, as the driver dropped them of 4 miles away) The boss is suspicious of G. He has never seen â€Å"one guy take so much trouble for another guy† he’s not used to kindness or decency. (Shows lack of community, as G’s kindness for lennie seems suspicious towards the boss) When G tells Curley that he and L are travelling together, Curley says â€Å"oh, so it’s that way†-he doesn’t think it’s normal for two men to travel together. Carlson tries to start a fight with Curley, calling him â€Å"yella as a frog belly†-Candy joins in too. Fighting seems to bring the men together. (Shows community follows the ‘use and abuse’ system. Shows that to an extent, there is a sense of community in the form of support. After L and Curley’s fight scene, slim takes control of the situation and persuades Curley to say his hand was crushed in a machine. (Shows the community coming together to support one another.) The chapter set in crooks’ room highlights one of the key themes-prejudice. Crook’s room is completely separate from the bunkhouse. He is kept away from white men. He is segregated from the other ranchers. He isn’t welcome in the bunk house- â€Å"they say I stink† as a result, crooks won’t welcome the other ranchers into his room. (shows community was racist and prejudiced) Over his bed, crooks has lots of medicine bottles, â€Å"both for himself and for the horses†. Crooks doesn’t keep the bottles separate as he doesn’t see himself as different form the animals. His room is just off the barn-lives right next to the horses.† Horses are a symbol that crooks is treated like an animal on the ranch. (shows racist, inhumane, brutal community.) Steinbeck shows that the community revolves around power most times. Whoever is at the top, or near the top of the hierarchy has the most power Despite the unhappy working environment, to an extent, there is a level of support. The ranch workers live/cope with each other.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Performance appraisal methods Essay Example for Free

Performance appraisal methods Essay In order to succeed in the market, companies need to ensure they provide efficient management of human resources. Companies can perform well only in such a case when all of the employees are able to realize their potential, apply their skills and make sufficient contribution to the development of the company. Performance appraisal is particularly important for all of the organizations because it enables them to determine the contribution of every employee to the performance of the company. Performance appraisal is currently one of the most important issues in human resources management which â€Å"continues to be a subject of interest and importance to human resource specialists. † (Hornsby et al. 1996, p. 10). Bernardin Klatt (1985); Hall, Posner, Hardner (1989); Maroney Buckley (1992); Thomas Bretz (1994) have all devoted considerable attention to the development of theoretical models of performance appraisal. How can a manager of the organization make a conclusion about the necessity to promote this or that employee, increase of decrease his salary, shift him to another department? How can the manager decide which employee needs special training or which can perform on the highest level without additional training? The most efficient tool in such a case is performance appraisal. If carried out correctly and on the basis of efficient methods, performance appraisal can be very helpful for the evaluation of employees’ work. â€Å"Companies that hope to succeed in todays competitive business environment must learn to identify their most capable employees for placement in key organizational appointments. To do this, managers should devote more attention to maximizing the effectiveness of performance appraisal systems. (Mcbey 1994, p. 23). Appraisal methods for the performance of the customer care supervisor in Fabulous. com require both the application of generally recognized methods of performance appraisal and their slight adjustment to the specification of the position. On one hand, this position needs to be appraised with the help of commonly used principles and methods. On the other hand, it requires deep understanding of the functions which customer care supervisor needs to perform daily, his responsibilities, all of the complication which can occur in the process of the fulfillment of his responsibilities. The choice of appraisal methods needs to be guided by the specifications of the position. In order to make a decision about the appraisal method which will be used for the position of customers care supervisor, it is necessary to analyze all of the most well-known methods of performance appraisal in relation to their effectiveness for this position. What needs to be kept in mind is that there is no possibility to find one completely efficient method. All of the methods will have both advantages and disadvantages. After more than 30 years of serious research†¦ it seems that little progress has been made in developing an efficient and psychometrically sound alternative to the traditional graphic rating scale. One major conclusion to be drawn from this research is that there is no easy way to get accurate and informative performance data. † (Rice 1985, p. 30). Even though there is no possibility to determine a completely accurate method, some tools of performance appraisal need to be used in any case because â€Å"timely, useful, and accepted feedback can help individuals make great strides toward optimal performance. (Coyens, Jenkins 2001, p. 34). Comparative standards include straight ranking method; alternative ranking method; paired comparison method; forced distribution method. All of these methods are inappropriate for the position of customer care supervisor due to the specifics of his activities. Comparative standards can be very efficient for the types of job in which employees need to do exactly the same kind of work and it is possible to tell the differences between their performance. However, the position of customer care supervisor is created in order to maintain a solid relationship with customers and supervise all of the major activities dealing with customer service in the company. This is not the type of job in which employees’ performance can be compared because it is hard to find the criterion of comparison in such a case. Comparative standards application in performance appraisal of customer care supervisor would lead to inaccurate results. Besides, in customer care it is particularly important to make emphasize on the further improvement of performance of the supervisor. Comparative standards do not provide any information on that point. The straight ranking method is the simplest and the most inaccurate because it only enables to compare employees. It does not let the appraisers to perceive the qualities of the employee himself. Alternative ranking method, paired comparison method and forced distribution methods can all be used in manufacturing companies and organizations of similar type but they will be completely useless when appraising customer care supervisor at Fabulous. com. Absolute standards include narrative essay; critical incidents method; weighted checklists; forced choice; Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS); Behavioral Observations Scale (BOS). â€Å"With this style of appraisal, managers use written, absolute standards. Reviews are not based upon relative standing of the employee in a specific work group. Absolute methods facilitate intergroup comparison of employees in an organization. † (Mcbey 1994, p. 11). They are more efficient and could be applied for performance appraisal of the position of customer care supervisor. However, they have many disadvantages which need to be discussed. Narrative essay generally could give a good idea about the employee working at the position of customer care supervisor. However, it is more a qualitative description than a quantitative method of appraisal. It would not provide all of the important data about the performance of the employee. Critical incidents method is efficient only to some extent because it provides information about the employee’s behavior only in critical situations. The work of customer care supervisor does not always consist of critical situations, in fact, they are quite rare. That is why there is no sense the measure the employee’s performance with the help of this method. Weighted checklists can be useful but they have a very large impact of the appraiser’s opinion, and weighting coefficients can sometimes be applied incorrectly. Forced choice is not the most efficient method to be applied for the case of customer care supervisor because this method does not meet developmental needs and does not allow the appraiser to interpret the ratings correctly at times. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) are used quite frequently nowadays. BARS uses expected performance levels as a basis for the appraisal. Behavior is judged by a job analysis and comments from those in the same or similar jobs. Behavioral statements are developed for each job in the organization and are anchored by numerical scales. † (Mcbey 1994, p. 12). However, this method has some important disadvantages. â€Å"Although BARS provides excellent specific behavioral guidance for employees, it is among the most complex and difficult performance appraisal system that can be introduced, especially for smaller organizations without significant human resource staff capabilities. † (Mcbey 1994, p. 2). Other authors also point at the complexity of this method: â€Å"While advocates of BARS, particularly the consultants who do a thriving business with it, claim its a great leap forward, critics point to several drawbacks. The lengthy job analyses and complex scale construction require a major investment of a companys time and money. A scale designed for use in one department may not apply in another. † (Rice 1985, p. 32). In our opinion, there is no sense to apply very complicated performance appraisal techniques in our case because the position which is being analyzed is not the key position in the company. Such complex techniques should rather be used for employees occupying positions of senior- and top management. Behavioral Observations Scale (BOS) are very similar to BARS in their complexity. â€Å"The BOS system observes past performance as the standard for appraisal. BOS offers many of the same benefits as BARS, most notably concrete examples to guide employee behavior and developmental difficulty. † (Mcbey 1994, p. 13). The application of this method is also not efficient for the position which is being analyzed due to its over-complexity. Objectives-based approaches include Management by Objectives (MBO) and work standards approach. These approaches are the most suitable for the performance appraisal of the customer care supervisor because it is particularly important for the employee in the position to achieve his goals. There are types of jobs in which the goals are pre-determined for many years ahead of time: for example, a salesperson needs to ensure he or she sells as much merchandise available in the store as possible. There are no adjustments of this goal or any corrections because it is universal. The position dealing with customer care and maintenance of successful relationship with customers is very challenging and deals with change in many aspects. The goals constantly need to be re-adjusted according to the needs to customers. The capability of the customer care supervisor to achieve all of the goals is the measurement of his success in this position and his adequate performance. There can be no better appraisal methods for this position than objective-based approaches. Management by Objectives (MBO) is very useful in this case. â€Å"MBO became popular because, in theory, it can be tailored to each individual job and because it lets subordinates know how their performance will be measured and gives them specific, mutually-agreed-on goals. (Rice 1985, p. 33). Its mechanism is relatively simple. â€Å"As customarily practiced today, supervisors and their subordinates sit down at the beginning of each year, or every six months, and agree (often in writing) on specific goals to be accomplished. At the end of the period, the supervisors evaluate their subordinates in terms of how well they have met those objectives. † (Rice 1985, p. 33). Work standards approach is similar to MBO except that organizations determine goals and appraisal techniques on the basis of their past experience. Of course, there are some disadvantages of this method which need to be taken into consideration. For example, â€Å"one major weakness is the difficulty of setting reasonable goals well in advance, when they may be vulnerable to factors outside the employees control, such as economic conditions, labor problems and price increases. † (Rice 1985, p. 33). At the same time, this disadvantage can be interpreted as an advantage in such a case if the goals are constantly re-adjusted according to the needs of the consumers. In such a case, the performance appraisal method will work efficiently.